FAQs - Choice School


When do you offer Open House tours?
We offer Open Houses up to 4 times a year.

When do we need to apply?
When do we need to apply? Choice School, offers a rolling admissions process, allowing applications throughout the year. Admissions are based on academic ability, previous school reports, and a successful experience day visit. For more details, visit the school’s admissions page. However, we do recommend that you apply as early as possible so that we may help change your child’s life.

How do you determine if a child is gifted?
 Choice School, is designated by the Ministry of Education as a Special Education School for the Gifted—the only such designation in British Columbia. Vancouver Is Awesome

A child is considered gifted if they exhibit a number of different traits. While a psychological assessment would certainly help in this regard, many students who come to Choice School do not have this. When a prospective student comes to Choice School, we look at a number of traits including:

– academic achievement

– report cards

– creativity

– performance on benchmarks

– nominations by parents

How do I know if my child is gifted?

Identifying whether your child is gifted often involves observing their behaviors, interests, and abilities, and sometimes seeking professional assessments. Here are some signs and steps to help you determine if your child might be gifted:


What should we expect during a student visit day?
During an experience day,

How can I afford an education at Choice School?

Where do Choice School students come from?

Do you have after school activities?
We offer extra curricular activities until 5:30pm. However there is a small additional cost, should you wish to avail yourself of this service.

Do you accept students with learning differences?

Do you offer bus service?
Yes, we offer school bus service to Richmond and parts of Vancouver for an additional fee.