Social and Emotional Development - Choice School

Social and Emotional Development

Choice School is sensitive to the social and emotional needs of its gifted students. Some children may have issues of anxiety, difficulty in expressing their feelings and understanding the needs of others, and sensitivity to external stimuli such as loud noises. At Choice, each of our staff members knows every student well and understands their needs.

Students participate in collaborative and co-operative project work every day, ensuring that social skills are reinforced. The senior students take part in our Leadership Program and take responsibility for a Buddy System, leading play at recess breaks and having specific roles throughout the school where they can assume a variety of responsibilities.

In general, students are encouraged to develop and study their own passions and interests, which gives them confidence and pride in their achievements. Regular assemblies reinforce moral guidance and there are many opportunities for students to gain experience of public speaking and performance.

Each student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This ‘living’ document helps to guide assessment, planning, collaborative communication and teaching. Clear targets/goals are identified and these focus on the social/emotional development of the child, as well as academic progress.