Gifted Education - Choice School

Gifted Education

Students who are gifted have varying individual needs, experiences, aptitudes and interests. Programs for students who are gifted often require a blend of opportunities both in the school and in the community. The more extraordinary the ability of the student, the more necessary it becomes to expand the available options.

There are some common elements which characterize an individualized program appropriate for a student who is gifted:

  • it is different in pace, scope and complexity, in keeping with the nature and extent of the exceptionality;
  • it provides opportunities for students to interact socially and academically with both age peers and peers of similar abilities;
  • it addresses both the cognitive and affective domains;
  • it incorporates adaptations and/or extensions to content, process, product, pacing and learning environment; and
  • it goes beyond the walls of the school and into the wider community.

We believe that gifted children should be accelerated in areas that they show exceptionality, have plenty of different types of enrichment and have a broad education with many options.