Who Should Apply? - Choice School

Who Should Apply?

While Choice School specializes in the unique needs of gifted children, our small classes and dedicated teaching staff provide an excellent all-round education that is suitable for many children. Choice students thrive in a happy, supportive community where each child has a broad educational experience that addresses their individual needs.

Is Your Child Gifted?

There are a number of ways to define ‘Gifted Students’. Here are some attributes that may describe your child:

  • curious
  • intensely interested in something
  • quick learner and easily able to see relationships in ideas, objects, or facts
  • excellent problem solver
  • very imaginative
  • very sensitive, emotionally and even physically
  • well developed sense of humor
  • asks “what if” questions
  • fond of learning new things
  • interested in intellectual activity and displays intellectual playfulness

If your child has four or more of these attributes he/she may be a great fit for Choice School.